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Roger Waters – 5-01 AM
By Zoom | May 8, 2008
Cine canta: Roger Waters (Pink Floyd)
Ce canta: 5-01 AM, de pe albumul The Pros And Cons Of Hitch Hiking, primul lui album solo. Cand l-a scos, criticii de specialitate l-au desfiintat, in special Kurt Loder de la Rolling Stone (revista). Apoi, oamenii i-au desfiintat pe critici. Comentariul asta e prea spumos ca sa-l stric traducandu-l, asa ca il redau in original:
“It’s an over the hill man, Waters himself, having a nightmare. What Waters’ is rather humbly saying is, “Damn, my band is gone, Pink Floyd is being run by that Gilmor Hack and I’ll never in my life make another Dark Side of the Moon, plus I’ve got 2 daughters and my wife is old and my dick doesn’t work as well as it used to.”
Albumul a fost foarte apreciat de atunci incoace, cuprinzand melodii “nebune” a la Roger Waters. 5-01 e preferata mea de pe acest album, si imi imaginez de fiecare data cand o ascult o lume de genul celei in care a cazut Alice urmarindu-l pe iepure.
* Ca un bonus, la chitara e Eric Clapton.
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